Windows Performance Monitor

Many of us have come across the nuance of waiting for a large assembly file to open, or any type of file while using SOLIDWORKS. A lot of times there isn't an obvious way of telling what is happening in the background while the program struggles to perform as expected.

In addition to SOLIDWORKS RX, there is a Windows utility that can provide more information for your IT department or technical support to help troubleshoot and diagnose the problem.

Performance Monitor

The Windows Performance Monitor can generate a System Performance Report that details the status of local hardware resources, system response times, and processes on the local computer. You can use this information to identify possible causes of performance issues.

You can launch the Performance Monitor through Start Menu>>Run, and then type in "perfmon" as the command and hit ENTER.



Once the tool opens, you can begin to capture a report by expanding "Data Collector Sets>>System" and then select "System Performance." Right-click on that, and select "Start" to begin. The report collects any data from that moment up until you click "Stop." At this point, you should perform your task with SOLIDWORKS and when you're done, click "Stop."


The report then completes and becomes an icon entry underneath Reports>>System>>System Performance. Select the latest entry for the most recent report.


The right side pane summarizes the results from your PC similar to categories, such as Summary, Diagnostic Results, CPU, etc. By selecting the drop-down arrow on one of these items, the report displays data for that particular area of your PC:


Some of these categories can expand further to show sectioned results within that area of your PC. One good example is the "Network" category, which is broken up into TCP by clicking the arrow on the right side. This category is broken up into TCP, Interface, UDP, etc. All of these can also be expanded as well to review that performance data.


You can print the result to a hard copy or send it to a PDF file using the "Print" command. The fields in the right pane that are expanded will be also be expanded and included in the printout to PDF. Please note: Any fields that are NOT expanded will NOT be included in the output PDF.

Alternatively, you can view the HTML version (which includes everything) by navigating to this location: "C:PerfLogsSystemPerformance[report_name]" In this folder you will find the file named "report" saved as 3 different file types: HTML, XML, and XSL.


If necessary, you can send one of these file types to your IT department or technical support for review.

George Brañes

CATI Support Engineer

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